Why you should wear make-up over 60
I wrote a blog post recently about staying visible over 60 (see here). In that post I touched on wearing make-up in order to not fade into the background. In this post I want to give a few reasons why I consider it a good thing to do when you are over 60.
Many women of a certain age I see tend to wear little to no make-up. When I was a lot younger, I hardly wore any make-up myself. I had dark eyebrows and lashes, quite good skin and really just wore lip salve on my lips. I could get away with it then – but not now! Unfortunately, when you are older your skin tends to get pigment patches and often discoloured in places, your brows get sparser and greyer, your lips can get thinner. In other words, when you are over 60 you can often look as if you are fading into the background – and who wants that?!
Of course, it’s up to the individual to decide whether they want to wear make-up but women who wear even just a little bit (you don’t have to over do it)you will generally look healthier, fresher and more polished than those who don’t and it can give you confidence to face the world too.
Below is a very basic make-up routine, which, in my view is better than wearing no make-up at all.
Foundation evens out your skin if you have pigmentation and dark patches. Choose a light foundation in a colour that matches your skin tone. Test on your jawline and if it blends in, it’s the right colour. In summer a tinted moisturiser is good. Use a foundation or sponge to apply it to your face.
This can go on after foundation to cover anything that the foundation hasn’t covered, such as spots, broken veins or dark circles under the eyes.
Choose loose or pressed translucent powder and dust it over with a powder brush or press and roll it on to your skin with a cotton pad or one provided in a compact. Powder helps to st the foundation on your skin.
Next is blusher, which you can apply with a brush or a pad. Apply it on your cheekbones going up to your hairline. Don’t apply too much – you can always add to it. Make sure it’s in a colour that compliments your skin tone.
Choose an eyebrow pencil, wax or pen in a colour that will go with your skin tone and look natural on your brows. There are many you tube videos showing you how to apply eyebrow pencil.
You don’t have to apply eyeshadow during the day but for going out it’s nice to wear. Again, many you tube videos will show you what to do.
Try for brown which is softer than black. Personal choice if you want to wear it every day.
Brown mascara is best if you have a warm skin tone and black for cool.
For me, lipstick is the icing on the cake. It really gives your face colour. Apply a lip pencil in a similar colour to your lipstick first and then the lipstick on top. Warm colours such as coral, terracotta and apricot for warm skin tones and cool colours such as cherry red, cool pink and blue red for cool skin tones.
A company called Look Fabulous Forever has make-up that is especially formulated for older skins. They have lots of videos on You Tube and information on their website. I have tried their lipsticks and they are long lasting. Why not give them a try and experiment with wearing make-up in general.