Style,  Wardrobe

Sorting out your wardrobe for Autumn/Winter

Although the weather has been warm at the start of this month, now that we’re into mid-October it’s time to get out all our warmer clothes and sort out our wardrobes for autumn and winter.

It’s a good idea to put everything that you own for the upcoming season either on the bed or hanging somewhere where you can see them, including shoes and coats.

Firstly, we’re not likely to get temperatures in the 20s now, so anything that is obviously summery such as linen, sandals, shorts and any tee shirts or tops that are light and floaty can be stored away in another wardrobe or in a box to be put somewhere for several months. Make sure they are clean before you put them away.

Next, look at what you have put out on your bed or hanging up. Ask yourself these questions: Are all the clothes in good condition? Do they still fit you properly? Do you still like the item of clothing? Are they the correct colour for you? Can you use some of your summer tops in the Autumn? You may need to try some of the clothes on to find out.

Then, when you’ve sorted out the above, assess what’s left. Do you need to buy more tops to go with your bottoms? Do you need new boots or a coat? Make a list of what you need to fill in the gaps in your wardrobe. Doing it this way stops the shopping on impulse habit and ensures you have what you need for the season ahead.

Finally, have a look online or go shopping to find the items that you need in your wardrobe for this season, sticking closely to your list.

This is something that should ideally be done twice yearly so that your wardrobe is not cluttered with unnecessary things that you don’t wear. Having a smaller wardrobe forces you to wear all the items that you have in there.

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