How to avoid ‘stand-alone’ clothes
Do you have items of clothing in your wardrobe that don’t go with anything else there? You know, the ones that sit there month after month or even year after year?
There are times when we do have ‘stand-alone’ clothing e.g.for a wedding or special occasion. I’m really talking about clothing that maybe someone bought you for your birthday or Christmas and it is in a colour or style that isn’t quite right for you. Whatever the reason, you look at those items every day and think maybe you should wear them but then dismiss them because you have nothing else that will go with them.
I’ve had stand-alone clothing in my wardrobe on several occasions in the past. I once had a really nice cream blouse which I wore with a skirt a couple of times. It felt too ‘dressy’ to wear regularly (as I thought then) so it just got left forlornly in my wardrobe. After a few years I got rid of it because I’d had it for so long that it had lost its appeal!
Here are some things you can do to avoid ‘stand-alone clothes
- Only buy clothes in colours that suit you and fit you properly.
- Before you buy anything new, think whether it will go with at least three other items in your wardrobe. If it doesn’t then ask yourself if it’s worth buying.
- If you have a top or jacket that you feel is too ‘dressy’ why not wear it with jeans to dress it down? These days anything can go with jeans.
- If you are finding a coloured item of clothing difficult to match, a top or bottom in the correct neutral colour for you is a good option, or alternatively, a patterned top or bottom containing one of the colours would go well if you can find it.
- Maybe you have coloured shoes that don’t go with anything? Try wearing them with neutral colours in your wardrobe or, again, maybe jeans.
- Finally, only buy clothes that you really love and need. That way you won’t be left with clothes that gather dust in your wardrobe!
However, if you find that you really can’t make an item of clothing work, then maybe it is time to sell it, give it to someone who could make use of it, or take it to a charity shop.